Captain Green and the Plastic Scene

Author: Evelyn Bookless
Illustrator: Danny Deeptown
Language/s: English
Country Connection: Singapore
Reader Age: Early, Younger
Genre: fiction
Fresh out of Superhero School, Captain Green gets a call. Dolphin is tangled up in plastic, and there’s trouble for Seagull and Turtle too. When our brave superhero rushes off to help, he finds himself on a major mission: saving sea creatures from plastic. Using his incredible powers, Captain Green promises to save the day. But can he clean up this mess for good? Find out how you can be a hero too. Superpowers are not required; anyone can do it…
SELs: relationship management responsible decision-making
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Publisher: Marshall Cavendish International (Asia) Pte Ltd
Year: 2018
ISBN: 9789814794770