Children’s Books
Looking for a book on a specific theme? These booklists can help you discover some brilliant children’s books from and about Asia.
Titles in UN SDG Collection:

UN SDGs13 Climate Action
Earth, Our Home: Poems of Climate Change
By Karthika Naïr, Salil Chaturvedi, Anushka Ravishankar and Sampurna Chattarji, Additional text by Bijal Vachharajani
Illustrated by Aindri C
Reader Age: Older
Country Connection: India
Genre: Poetry

UN SDGs15 Life on Land
Marvellous Mammals: A Wild A to Z of Southeast Asia
By Debby Ng
Illustrated by Darel Seow
Reader Age: Younger, Older
Country Connection: Singapore
Genre: nonfiction

UN SDGs12 Responsible Consumption and Production
Mr Roll Finds New Life
By Sophia Huang
Illustrated by Evelyn Ghozalli
Reader Age: Early, Younger
Country Connection: Singapore
Genre: Fiction

UN SDGs3 Good Health and Well-being
My Daddy is a Runner
By Bùi Phương Tâm
Illustrated by Jeet Zdũng
Reader Age: Early Years
Country Connection: Vietnam
Genre: Fiction

UN SDGs3 Good Health and Well-being
Superfood for Superheroes
By Namita Moolani Mehra
Illustrated by Cecillia Hidayat
Reader Age: Younger
Country Connection: Singapore
Genre: nonfiction

UN SDGs4 Quality Education
Every School A Good School
By Ng Ziqin
Reader Age: Mature
Country Connection: Singapore
Genre: Fiction