Moon Pops

Author: Heena Baek
Translator: Jieun Kiaer
Illustrator: Heena Baek
Language/s: English, Korean
Country Connection: Korea
Reader Age: Early, Younger
Genre: Fiction
A spin on a classic Korean folktale, the first book to be published in English by Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award winner Heena Baek One sweltering summer night, while the many residents of one apartment building are struggling to fall asleep, the moon begins to melt. Granny hears it dripping and runs out to catch the moon drops in a bucket. At first unsure what do with the drops, she is soon inspired to turn them into popsicles―moon pops!―to help cool down her neighbors. But as everyone drifts off to sleep, a new problem arises. The fabled rabbits who, according to folklore live on the moon, have lost their home! With the last of the moon drops, Granny grows a new moon from the potted plant in her window. As the moon ascends to the starry sky above, the rabbits return to their home, and Granny returns to her bed.
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Publisher: OwlKids
Year: 2021
ISBN: 9781771474290