Earth Hour: A Lights-Out Event for Our Planet

Author: Nanette Heffernan
Illustrator: Bao Luu
Language/s: English
Country Connection: US (Vietnamese illustrator)
Reader Age: Early, Younger
Genre: Nonfiction
Earth Hour--a worldwide movement in support of energy conservation and sustainability--takes place each March and is sponsored by the World Wildlife Fund for Nature (WWF). During Earth Hour, individuals, communities, and businesses in more than 7,000 cities turn off nonessential electric lights for one hour. Across each continent--from the Eiffel Tower to the Great Wall of China to the Statue of Liberty--one small act reminds all of us of our enormous impact on planet Earth.
SELs: relationship management responsible decision-making social awareness
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Publisher: Charlesbridge Publishing
Year: 2020
ISBN: 9781580899420