The Tree that Time Built: A Celebration of Nature, Science, and Imagination

Author: Anthology of poems selected by U.S. Children’s Poet Laureate Mary Ann Hoberman and Cultural Anthropologist/Teacher Linda Winston
Language/s: English
This book of poetry details the mystery in nature, the magic of science, the mystery within each organism’s breathing being. Aside from gathering together a treasury of poems that celebrate the natural world around us, the anthologists came up with their own method of categorization as to how the poetry comes together in a meaningful way – their own phylum of poetic threads, if you may. This book is living proof that if we are able to ‘look at the familiar with strange eyes’ – through the eyes of a poet, the writer, the systematic naturalist, the empiricist – then the likelihood of seeing the universe in a rosebud – is immensely promising.
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Publisher: Sourcebooks: Jabberwocky (USA)
Year: 2009
ISBN: 9781402225178
National Library Board (Singapore) Call Number: English 808.81 TRE