Birds Flying Against the Odds

Na Zhi Shen Lan Se De Niao Shi Wo Ba Ba (That Deep Blue Bird is My Daddy)

Na Zhi Shen Lan Se De Niao Shi Wo Ba Ba (That Deep Blue Bird is My Daddy)


Language/s: English

An amusing tale about a father and his son who both revel in the presence of the birds hovering around the tree. The boy takes delight in his dad as he assumes the role of a deep blue bird, tirelessly orchestrating the flight of birds. The story could also be used as a fun way to learn simple math facts.

Related Links:
Na Zhi Shen Lan Se De Niao Shi Wo Ba Ba (That Deep Blue Bird is My Daddy)

Publisher: Tomorrow (Jinan, Shandong)

Year: 2011

ISBN: 9787533267544

National Library Board (Singapore) Call Number: Chinese JP WIJ